Thursday, January 27, 2005

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

I remembered something of interest that happened, and I forgot to write about it last week.

Dawna's husband, Jeff, an architect for Beazer Homes here in Atlanta, helped to design a house for the ABC TV Show Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Well, Jeff got us onto the site during the beginning stages, and at the end when they show the house to the family. For anyone who hasn't seen this show, it is the coolest thing... They find a really special family in great need of an extreme makeover for their house. In one week they build a new house! I had no idea how it could possibly happen so fast, until I saw the people in action. There were hundreds of volunteers there who made this all come together. It was really, really cool. Plus we got to meet some of the designers on the show, who, for the most part, were really cool. Especially my new crush, ED, he was just the sweetest guy!

Ok, so that's about all the excitement in my life. Off to see the movie of The Phantom of the Opera.

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