Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Strawberry Picking

The girls and I took a little road trip down to Florida for the week... while here I've played tennis a couple of times, went strawberry picking, and slept. Tonight my mom's having a birthday dinner for me (next Tuesday is my birthday, yes I accept cash). I'm going to a Juice Plus conference on Friday. Becca and I are running in a race on Saturday. Going to a Bridal shower for my friend Misty on Saturday night. And in between I will relax a little bit. It's always relaxing to have my children entertained by my siblings!

Chloe and Cassidy had a great time strawberry picking today. They would get so excited when they would find really big red strawberries. They also were quick to tell me when they had found strawberries that "don't look very red." Laila and Lauren went to town, picking like starving children. Fifty-two dollars later, we headed home with 3 full trays of strawberries. My girls washed all of the strawberries (one flat of strawberries), while I cut them up. They promptly ate at least 2 pints! Their little hands are still red!!!

Yesterday Laila and I ran 2 1/2 miles to the tennis courts, she was quite the trooper. She's getting ready for a tennis tournament this weekend, so I'm trying to help her get in shape. Yes, I know she's only 11, but I was working like crazy at her age! Anyway, we worked on sprinting, short recoveries, then sprinting some more. She is also quite the tennis player. After playing some games with her I hit on the ball machine. Now, I haven't done this in at least 10 years, and have forgotten how completely exhausting it is. Then Charles, Becca's husband, and I went and played some more this morning. I'm feeling muscles that I haven't felt in a while!

Ma came up to visit us for a few days while we're here. It's so nice to have her around, and to spend time with her. She had been wanting to take the girls strawberry picking while we were down in Vero last time, so we took her today.

My dad came up last night too, we watched American Idol... who's your favorite this season??? My favorite girls are Nadia and Carrie . I haven't pegged my favorite guy yet.

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